Pathogenicity Island: VPI

• General information

Name : VPI
Host strain : Vibrio cholerae "ssp. classical 01, Z17561"
Function : TcpA-adhesin, Mop, ToxT regulator
Insertion site : ssrA (potential regulatory 10Sa RNA molecule)

• GenBank accessions: 1 records

1) X64098 (13824 bp)

    Definition : V.cholerae tcp gene cluster for biosynthesis of the TCP pilus.

    Publication :
    - Ogierman,M.A. and Manning,P.A., "Homology of TcpN, a putative regulatory protein of Vibrio cholerae, to the AraC family of transcriptional activators", Gene 116 (1), 93-97 (1992) PUBMED 1352761.

    - Ogierman,M.A. and Manning,P.A., "TCP pilus biosynthesis in Vibrio cholerae O1: gene sequence of tcpC encoding an outer membrane lipoprotein", FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 76 (1-2), 179-184 (1992) PUBMED 1358749.

    - Ogierman,M.A., Zabihi,S., Mourtzios,L. and Manning,P.A., "Genetic organization and sequence of the promoter-distal region of the tcp gene cluster of Vibrio cholerae", Gene 126 (1), 51-60 (1993) PUBMED 8097178.

    - Manning,P.A., "Direct Submission", Submitted (09-JAN-1992) P.A. Manning, Dept of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Adelaide, GPO Box 498, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, AUSTRALIA.


• PAI-like regions homologous to this PAI (genomes and locations)
