Pathogenicity Island: VPI

• General information

Name : VPI
Host strain : Vibrio cholerae M1121
Function : TcpA; TCP middle region, ACF right region, ALD left region
Insertion site : -

• GenBank accessions: 3 records

1) FJ208997 (5698 bp)

    Definition : Vibrio cholerae strain M1121 pathogenicity island left region genomic sequence.

    Publication :
    - Tay,C.Y., Reeves,P.R. and Lan,R., "Importation of the major pilin TcpA gene and frequent recombination drive the divergence of the Vibrio pathogenicity island in Vibrio cholerae", FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 289 (2), 210-218 (2008) PUBMED 19054108.

    - Tay,C.Y., Reeves,P.R. and Lan,R., "Direct Submission", Submitted (13-SEP-2008) School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.


2) FJ209006 (4417 bp)

    Definition : Vibrio cholerae strain M1121 pathogenicity island middle region genomic sequence.

    Publication :
    - Tay,C.Y., Reeves,P.R. and Lan,R., "Importation of the major pilin TcpA gene and frequent recombination drive the divergence of the Vibrio pathogenicity island in Vibrio cholerae", FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 289 (2), 210-218 (2008) PUBMED 19054108.

    - Tay,C.Y., Reeves,P.R. and Lan,R., "Direct Submission", Submitted (13-SEP-2008) School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.


3) FJ209015 (5649 bp)

    Definition : Vibrio cholerae strain M1121 pathogenicity island right region genomic sequence.

    Publication :
    - Tay,C.Y., Reeves,P.R. and Lan,R., "Importation of the major pilin TcpA gene and frequent recombination drive the divergence of the Vibrio pathogenicity island in Vibrio cholerae", FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 289 (2), 210-218 (2008) PUBMED 19054108.

    - Tay,C.Y., Reeves,P.R. and Lan,R., "Direct Submission", Submitted (13-SEP-2008) School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.


• PAI-like regions homologous to this PAI (genomes and locations)
