Pathogenicity Island: PAGI-7

• General information

Name : PAGI-7
Host strain : Pseudomonas aeruginosa PSE9
Function : pertussis toxin operon ptxABCDE
Insertion site : hprB

• GenBank accessions: 1 records

1) EF611303 (22479 bp)

    Definition : Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAGI-7 genomic island sequence.

    Publication :
    - Battle,S.E., Rello,J. and Hauser,A.R., "Genomic islands of Pseudomonas aeruginosa", FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 290 (1), 70-78 (2009) PUBMED 19025565.

    - Battle,S.E., Meyer,F. and Hauser,A.R., "Direct Submission", Submitted (15-MAY-2007) Department of Microbiology/Immunology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 303 E. Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, USA.


• PAI-like regions homologous to this PAI (genomes and locations)
