Pathogenicity Island: Not named

• General information

Name : Not named
Host strain : Pseudomonas sp. KD
Function : Type III secretion system (hrpk,L,J,V,Q,N,O,P)
Insertion site : Not published

• GenBank accessions: 1 records

1) AY463491 (6899 bp)

    Definition : Pseudomonas sp. KD RNA polymerase sigma factor HrpL (hrpL), type III secretion protein HrpJ (hrpJ), type III secretion protein HrcV (hrcV), and type III secretion protein HrpQ (hrpQ) genes, complete cds; and type III secretion cytoplasmic ATPase HrcN (hrc

    Publication :
    - Rezzonico,F., Defago,G. and Moenne-Loccoz,Y., "Comparison of ATPase-encoding type III secretion system hrcN genes in biocontrol fluorescent Pseudomonads and in phytopathogenic proteobacteria", Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70 (9), 5119-5131 (2004) PUBMED 15345390.

    - Rezzonico,F., "Direct Submission", Submitted (12-NOV-2003) Plant Pathology, ETH Zuerich, Universitaetstr. 2, Zuerich 8092, Switzerland.


• PAI-like regions homologous to this PAI (genomes and locations)

NC_005773 (Pseudomonas syringae 1448A): 1.5 Mb
NC_007005 (Pseudomonas syringae B728a): 1.3 Mb
NC_004578 (Pseudomonas syringae DC3000): 1.5 Mb