Pathogenicity Island: HPI

• General information

Name : HPI
Host strain : Escherichia coli ECOR31
Function : Type IV secretion system, similar to FyuA/Psn receptor for siderophore yersiniabactin(fyuA)
Insertion site : tRNA-asnV

• GenBank accessions: 1 records

1) AY233333 (40365 bp)

    Definition : Escherichia coli strain ECOR31 high pathogenicity island, complete sequence.

    Publication :
    - Schubert,S., Dufke,S., Sorsa,J. and Heesemann,J., "A novel integrative and conjugative element (ICE) of Escherichia coli: the putative progenitor of the Yersinia high-pathogenicity island", Mol. Microbiol. 51 (3), 837-848 (2004) PUBMED 14731283.

    - Schubert,S., Dufke,S., Sorsa,J. and Heesemann,J., "Direct Submission", Submitted (11-FEB-2003) Department of Bacteriology, Max von Pettenkofer-Institut, Pettenkoferstr. 9a, Munchen 80336, Germany.