Pathogenicity Island: LEE

• General information

Name : LEE
Host strain : Escherichia coli 83/39
Function : Type III secretion system, translocation of Tir, adherence of EHEC to epithelial cells(efa1/lifA), Shet-2 enterkotoxin(senA),eae, ser, ces, esc, tir, sep, esp
Insertion site : tRNA-pheU

• GenBank accessions: 1 records

1) AF453441 (60354 bp)

    Definition : Escherichia coli CadC (cadC) gene, partial cds; transposase 2, transposase 1, IS2 transposase, EspG (espG), Ler (ler), EscR (escR), EscS (escS), EscT (escT), EscU (escU), CesD (cesD), EscC (escC), SepD (sepD), EscJ (escJ), SepZ (sepZ), EscV (escV), EscN (

    Publication :
    - Tauschek,M., Strugnell,R.A. and Robins-Browne,R.M., "Characterization and evidence of mobilization of the LEE pathogenicity island of rabbit-specific strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli", Mol. Microbiol. 44 (6), 1533-1550 (2002) PUBMED 12067342.

    - Tauschek,M., Strugnell,R.A. and Robins-Browne,R.M., "Direct Submission", Submitted (30-NOV-2001) Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia.