Pathogenicity Island: PAI I CL3

• General information

Name : PAI I CL3
Host strain : Escherichia coli CL3
Function : Putative hemolysin/adhesin cluster
Insertion site : close to a tRNA gene

• GenBank accessions: 1 records

1) AY275838 (27297 bp)

    Definition : Escherichia coli strain CL3 serovar O113:H21 pathogenicity island I, partial sequence.

    Publication :
    - Shen,S., Mascarenhas,M., Rahn,K., Kaper,J.B. and Karmali,M.A., "Evidence for a hybrid genomic island in verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli CL3 (serotype O113:H21) containing segments of EDL933 (serotype O157:H7) O islands 122 and 48", Infect. Immun. 72 (3), 1496-1503 (2004) PUBMED 14977955 REMARK Erratum:[Infect Immun. 2004 Jul;72(7):4330. Karmal MA [corrected to Karmali MA]].

    - Shen,S., Mascarenhas,M., Rahn,K., Kaper,J. and Karmali,M.A., "Direct Submission", Submitted (14-APR-2003) Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses, Health Canada, 110 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario N1G 3W4, Canada.


• PAI-like regions homologous to this PAI (genomes and locations)

NC_013716 (Citrobacter rodentium ICC168): 5.2 Mb
NC_015968 (Enterobacter asburiae LF7a): 3.6 Mb
NC_017626 (Escherichia coli 042): 3.4, 4.9 Mb
NC_018650 (Escherichia coli 2009EL-2050): 0.8, 3.2 Mb
NC_018661 (Escherichia coli 2009EL-2071): 0.8, 3.2 Mb
NC_018658 (Escherichia coli 2011C-3493): 0.8, 3.2 Mb