Pathogenicity Island: trw-PAI

• General information

Name : trw-PAI
Host strain : Bartonella tribocorum IBS 506T
Function : Type IV secretion system
Insertion site : ubiH/sdhB

• GenBank accessions: 1 records

1) AJ496288 (32387 bp)

    Definition : Bartonella tribocorum succinate dehydrogenase operon (partial), type IV secretion system operon, ubiH, int and korB genes and ORF1 DNA.

    Publication :
    - Seubert,A.K., Hiestand,R., de la Cruz,F. and Dehio,C., "A broad-host-range plasmid conjugation machinery recruited for bacterial pathogenesis", Unpublished.

    - Seubert,A.K., "Direct Submission", Submitted (19-JUL-2002) Seubert A.K., Molecular Microbiology, Biozentrum of the University of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 70, CH-4056 Basel, SWITZERLAND.