Name : tRNA-Lys-2 (tRNA-Lys-2) Accession : - PAI name : Not named PAI accession : NC_004668_P1 Strain : Enterococcus faecalis D32 Virulence or Resistance: Not determined Product : tRNA-Lys Function : - Note : - Homologs in the searched genomes : 46 hits ( 46 DNA-level ) Publication :
-Paulsen,I., Banerjei,L., Myers,G., Nelson,K., Seshadri,R., Read,T., Fouts,D., Eisen,J., Gill,S., Heidelberg,J., Tettelin,H., Dodson,R., Umayam,L., Brinkac,L., Beanan,M., Daugherty,S., DeBoy,R., Durkin,A., Kolonay,J., Madupu,R., Nelson,W., Vamathevan,J., T, "Direct Submission", Submitted (03-FEB-2003) The Institute for Genomic Research, 9712 Medical Center Dr, Rockville, MD 20850, USA. -Paulsen,I., Banerjei,L., Myers,G.S.A., Nelson,K.E., Seshadri,R., Read,T.D., Fouts,D.E., Eisen,J.A., Gill,S.R., Heidelberg,J.F., Tettelin,H., Dodson,R.J., Umayam,L., Brinkac,L., Beanan,M., Daugherty,S., DeBoy,R.T., Durkin,S., Kolonay,J., Madupu,R., Nelson,, "Role of Mobile DNA in the Evolution of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecalis", Science 299 (5615), 2071-2074 (2003) PUBMED 12663927. -Paulsen,I., Banerjei,L., Myers,G.S.A., Nelson,K.E., Seshadri,R., Read,T.D., Fouts,D.E., Eisen,J.A., Gill,S.R., Heidelberg,J.F., Tettelin,H., Dodson,R.J., Umayam,L., Brinkac,L., Beanan,M., Daugherty,S., DeBoy,R.T., Durkin,S., Kolonay,J., Madupu,R., Nelson,, "Direct Submission", Submitted (30-MAR-2003) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA. -Wecker,P., Klockow,C., Ellrott,A., Quast,C., Langhammer,P., Harder,J. and Glockner,F.O., "Transcriptional response of the model planctomycete Rhodopirellula baltica SH1(T) to changing environmental conditions", BMC Genomics 10, 410 (2009) PUBMED 19725962 REMARK Publication Status: Online-Only.