PAI Gene Information

Name : unnamed
Accession : -
PAI name : HPI
PAI accession : AL031866_P1
Strain : Yersinia pestis A1122
Virulence or Resistance: Not determined
Product : tRNA-Asn
Function : -
Note : transfer RNA-Asn, highly similar to K00164 E. coli Asn tRna, including phage related attachment site
Homologs in the searched genomes :   1021 hits    ( 1021 DNA-level )  
Publication :
    -Buchrieser,C., Rusniok,C., Couve,E., Frangeul,L., Billault,A., Kunst,F., Carniel,E. and Glaser,P., "DNA sequence of the 102 kbases unstable region of Yersinia pestis", Unpublished.

    -Glaser,P., Rusniok,C., Buchrieser,C., Couve,E., Frangeul,L., Billault,A., Kunst,F. and Carniel,E., "Direct Submission", Submitted (09-OCT-1998) P. Glaser, Institut Pasteur, Genomique des Microorganismes Pathogenes, 25 rue du Docteur Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, FRANCE. E-mail: Phone: +33 1 45 68 89 96, Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 87 46.

DNA sequence :

Protein sequence :