PAI Gene Information

Name : tRNA-Asn
Accession : -
PAI name : HPI
PAI accession : AJ132668
Strain : Yersinia enterocolitica 8081
Virulence or Resistance: Not determined
Product : tRNA-Asn
Function : -
Note : -
Homologs in the searched genomes :   1021 hits    ( 1021 DNA-level )  
Publication :
    -Rakin,A., Noelting,C., Schubert,S. and Heesemann,J., "Common and specific characteristics of the high-pathogenicity island of Yersinia enterocolitica", Infect. Immun. 67 (10), 5265-5274 (1999) PUBMED 10496905.

    -Rakin,A., Schubert,S., Guilvout,I., Carniel,E. and Heesemann,J., "Local hopping of IS3 elements into the A+T-rich part of the high-pathogenicity island in Yersinia enterocolitica 1B, O:8", FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 182 (2), 225-229 (2000) PUBMED 10620670.

    -Rakin,A.V., "Direct Submission", Submitted (05-FEB-1999) Rakin A.V., BAF, Max von Pettenkofer Institute, Pettenmkofer Str.9a, Munich, Bayern 80336, Germany.

DNA sequence :

Protein sequence :