Gene Information

Name : MS7_0043 (MS7_0043)
Accession : YP_005756510.1
Strain : Staphylococcus aureus 11819-97
Genome accession: NC_017351
Putative virulence/resistance : Resistance
Product : methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI
Function : -
COG functional category : -
COG ID : -
EC number : -
Position : 49425 - 49805 bp
Length : 381 bp
Strand : -
Note : -

DNA sequence :

Protein sequence :

• Homologs from PAI DB

GeneGenBank Accn Product Virulance or Resistance PAI or REI Alignment Type E-val Identity
blaI YP_253677.1 beta-lactamase repressor Not tested ¥ÕSh1 Protein 3e-44 100
mecI BAA82218.1 methicillin resistance protein MecI Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 2e-20 62
mecI NP_373280.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 2e-20 62
mecI YP_190060.1 methicillin-resistance regulatory protein MecI Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 2e-20 62
mecI YP_039517.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein MecI Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 4e-20 62
mecI NP_370567.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 9e-20 61
mecI YP_005754043.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein MecI Not tested Type-XI SCCmec Protein 4e-20 52

• Homologs from CARD and BacMet (resistance genes)

GeneGenBank Accn Product ID of source DB Alignment Type E-val Identity
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_002952.2858973.p0 Protein 1e-44 100
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_005054.2598289.p0 Protein 1e-44 100
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_010419.6155809.p0 Protein 4e-44 99
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_010066.5774788.p0 Protein 3e-44 99
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_003140.1122763.p0 Protein 4e-44 99
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_005011.2598314.p0 Protein 3e-44 99
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_005951.2853407.p0 Protein 3e-44 99
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_002745.1122814.p0 Protein 7e-21 62
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_002952.2861158.p0 Protein 1e-20 62
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_009782.5560220.p0 Protein 3e-20 61
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI NC_002758.1120003.p0 Protein 3e-20 61
MS7_0043 YP_005756510.1 methicillin resistance regulatory protein mecI FR823292.1.gene6.p01 Protein 1e-20 52