Gene Information

Name : tetR (KPK_3281)
Accession : YP_002239106.1
Strain : Klebsiella pneumoniae 342
Genome accession: NC_011283
Putative virulence/resistance : Virulence
Product : tetracycline repressor protein class A from transposon 1721
Function : -
COG functional category : K : Transcription
COG ID : COG1309
EC number : -
Position : 3334879 - 3335466 bp
Length : 588 bp
Strand : -
Note : identified by match to protein family HMM PF00440; match to protein family HMM PF02909

DNA sequence :

Protein sequence :

• Homologs from PAI DB

GeneGenBank Accn Product Virulance or Resistance PAI or REI Alignment Type E-val Identity
tetR(A) AGK07084.1 TetR(A) Not tested SGI1 Protein 2e-36 48
tetR(A) ACK44536.1 TetR(A) Not tested SGI1 Protein 2e-36 48
tetR(A) AGK07026.1 TetR(A) Not tested SGI1 Protein 2e-36 48
tetR YP_006098395.1 tetracycline repressor Not tested Tn2411 Protein 3e-36 48
tetR(A) ACN81010.1 repressor protein Not tested AbaR5 Protein 3e-36 48
tetR CAJ77065.1 Tetracycline repressor protein Not tested AbaR1 Protein 2e-36 48
BJAB07104_00278 YP_008207743.1 Transcriptional regulator Not tested AbaR25 Protein 2e-35 47
tetR AEA34668.1 tetracycline repressor protein Not tested Not named Protein 1e-35 47
BJAB0868_00282 YP_008211608.1 Transcriptional regulator Not tested AbaR26 Protein 2e-35 47
tetR AFH57203.1 repression protein Not tested AbaR4a Protein 1e-35 47
ABZJ_00261 YP_005524217.1 tetracycline repressor protein TetR Not tested AbaR22 Protein 2e-35 47
tetR AFV47970.1 repressor protein TetR Not tested AbaR25 Protein 1e-35 47
tetR YP_005797161.1 tetracycline repressor protein class G Not tested AbaR4e Protein 2e-35 47
tetR AFV47998.1 repressor protein TetR Not tested delta-AbaR25 Protein 1e-35 47
tetR(B) AEQ20906.1 tetracycline repressor protein Not tested Tn6166 Protein 2e-35 47
tetR(B) AEZ06046.1 repressor protein Not tested Tn6167 Protein 2e-35 47
tetR AAL08444.1 tet repressor Not tested SRL Protein 2e-35 46
tetR2 YP_005176247.1 tetracycline repressor protein Not tested ICEPmu1 Protein 2e-35 44
tetR1 YP_005176239.1 tetracycline repressor protein Not tested ICEPmu1 Protein 2e-35 44

• Homologs from VFDB (virulence genes)

GeneGenBank Accn Product ID of source DB Alignment Type E-val Identity
tetR YP_002239106.1 tetracycline repressor protein class A from transposon 1721 VFG1035 Protein 6e-36 46