Gene Information

Name : SSP0048 (SSP0048)
Accession : YP_300138.1
Strain : Staphylococcus saprophyticus ATCC 15305
Genome accession: NC_007350
Putative virulence/resistance : Unknown
Product : hypothetical protein
Function : -
COG functional category : -
COG ID : -
EC number : -
Position : 59190 - 59501 bp
Length : 312 bp
Strand : +
Note : similar to gi|14021046|dbj|BAB47670.1| [Staphylococcus aureus], percent identity 95 in 103 aa, BLASTP E(): 2e-51

DNA sequence :

Protein sequence :

• Homologs from PAI DB

GeneGenBank Accn Product Virulance or Resistance PAI or REI Alignment Type E-val Identity
SSP0048 YP_300138.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SCC15305cap Protein 1e-43 100
unnamed BAB47670.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-III SCCmec Protein 2e-41 96
unnamed BAC53832.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SRImec-III and SCCmec-III region Protein 2e-41 96
SARLGA251_00340 YP_005754049.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-XI SCCmec Protein 1e-38 89
unnamed BAB47601.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-III SCCmec Protein 6e-39 88
unnamed AAL26664.1 unknown Not tested SCCcap1 Protein 2e-31 82
SAPIG0036 YP_005732846.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-V SCCmec Protein 3e-37 81
unnamed ACL99834.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-V SCCmec Protein 2e-37 81
unnamed BAG06193.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-VII SCCmec Protein 2e-37 81
SSP0032 YP_300122.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SCC15305RM Protein 7e-35 74
unnamed BAB46980.2 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IIIinv SCCmec Protein 1e-19 53
unnamed BAB83490.1 - Not tested SCC 12263 Protein 6e-18 51
SACOL0038 YP_184949.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-I SCCmec Protein 6e-18 51
unnamed BAA94330.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-I SCCmec Protein 4e-18 51
unnamed BAD24837.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-V SCCmec Protein 2e-17 51
unnamed BAC67563.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IVc SCCmec Protein 9e-18 50
SAS0030 YP_042163.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SCC476 Protein 2e-17 50
SE0031 NP_763586.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SCCpbp4 Protein 1e-17 50
SAMSHR1132_00370 YP_005324561.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IIIinv SCCmec Protein 1e-17 50
unnamed BAA94662.1 - Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 3e-17 50
MW0036 NP_644851.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IV SCCmec Protein 1e-17 50
SAR0057 YP_039528.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 4e-17 50
SE0053 NP_763608.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SCCpbp4 Protein 1e-17 50
SAV0059 NP_370583.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 4e-17 50
SA0055 NP_373295.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 4e-17 50
unnamed BAB72111.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IVa SCCmec Protein 9e-18 50
SAPIG0052 YP_005732862.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-V SCCmec Protein 4e-18 50
SERP2503 YP_190045.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 4e-17 50
unnamed BAB72130.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IVb SCCmec Protein 9e-18 50
SH0058 YP_251973.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SCCmec Protein 2e-17 50
unnamed ACL99846.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-V SCCmec Protein 4e-18 50
unnamed BAG06214.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-VII SCCmec Protein 1e-17 50