Gene Information

Name : SSP2384 (SSP2384)
Accession : YP_302474.1
Strain : Staphylococcus saprophyticus ATCC 15305
Genome accession: NC_007350
Putative virulence/resistance : Resistance
Product : arsenical resistance operon repressor
Function : -
COG functional category : K : Transcription
COG ID : COG0640
EC number : -
Position : 2452485 - 2452799 bp
Length : 315 bp
Strand : -
Note : similar to gi|16119216|ref|NP_395552.1| [Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus N315], percent identity 82 in 104 aa, BLASTP E(): 3e-45

DNA sequence :

Protein sequence :

• Homologs from PAI DB

GeneGenBank Accn Product Virulance or Resistance PAI or REI Alignment Type E-val Identity
arsR YP_005754066.1 arsenical resistance operon repressor Not tested Type-XI SCCmec Protein 2e-34 74
arsR YP_252018.1 arsenical resistance operon repressor Not tested SCCmec Protein 4e-33 72
arsR YP_252025.1 arsenical resistance operon repressor Not tested SCCmec Protein 3e-29 61

• Homologs from CARD and BacMet (resistance genes)

GeneGenBank Accn Product ID of source DB Alignment Type E-val Identity
SSP2384 YP_302474.1 arsenical resistance operon repressor BAC0592 Protein 5e-38 82
SSP2384 YP_302474.1 arsenical resistance operon repressor BAC0590 Protein 4e-37 82