Gene Information

Name : SAS0035 (SAS0035)
Accession : YP_042168.1
Strain : Staphylococcus aureus MSSA476
Genome accession: NC_002953
Putative virulence/resistance : Unknown
Product : hypothetical protein
Function : -
COG functional category : -
COG ID : -
EC number : -
Position : 47784 - 48080 bp
Length : 297 bp
Strand : -
Note : Ortholog of S. aureus MRSA252 (BX571856) SAR0062; Similar to Staphylococcus aureus hypothetical 11.1 kDa protein SWALL:Q9LBZ5 (EMBL:AB033763) (98 aa) fasta scores: E(): 1e-34, 88.77% id in 98 aa, and to Staphylococcus hominis DNA, cassette chromosome scc,

DNA sequence :

Protein sequence :

• Homologs from PAI DB

GeneGenBank Accn Product Virulance or Resistance PAI or REI Alignment Type E-val Identity
SAS0035 YP_042168.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SCC476 Protein 1e-42 100
unnamed BAA94325.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-I SCCmec Protein 3e-38 89
SACOL0044 YP_184954.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-I SCCmec Protein 4e-38 89
unnamed BAB83483.1 - Not tested SCC 12263 Protein 2e-36 85
SAR0062 YP_039533.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 2e-33 77
SAV0064 NP_370588.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 2e-33 77
unnamed BAA94655.1 - Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 2e-33 77
SA0060 NP_373300.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 2e-33 77
SERP2495 YP_190037.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-II SCCmec Protein 2e-33 77
SE0039 NP_763594.1 hypothetical protein Not tested SCCpbp4 Protein 4e-33 77
unnamed BAC67558.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IVc SCCmec Protein 6e-33 75
SARLGA251_00400 YP_005754055.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-XI SCCmec Protein 1e-25 59
unnamed BAB47591.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-III SCCmec Protein 2e-21 53
unnamed BAB46968.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IIIinv SCCmec Protein 2e-21 53
SAUSA300_0040 YP_492760.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IV SCCmec Protein 3e-13 47
SAMSHR1132_00430 YP_005324566.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IIIinv SCCmec Protein 3e-13 47
MW0041 NP_644856.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IV SCCmec Protein 3e-13 47
unnamed BAB72105.1 hypothetical protein Not tested Type-IVa SCCmec Protein 8e-13 46