PAthogenisity Island DataBase (PAI DB)
Genome Information
General information
Accession: NC_005363
Strain : Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus HD100
Type : Genome, Circular
Size : 3782950 bp
G+C content : 50.65 %
[Note] Click any position on the circular map to see its detailed linear map.
PAIs (PAI reported to be located in this genome)
Not Found.
cPAIs (PAI-like region overlapping genomic islands (candidate PAI))
* Percentage of foreign genes which are biased in both G+C content and codon usage
Not Found.
nPAIs (PAI-like region not overlapping genomic islands (non-probable PAI))
* Percentage of foreign genes which are biased in both G+C content and codon usage
Not Found.
REIs (REI reported to be located in this genome)
Not Found.
cREIs (REI-like region overlapping genomic islands (candidate REI))
* Percentage of foreign genes which are biased in both G+C content and codon usage
Not Found.
nREIs (REI-like region not overlapping genomic islands (non-probable REI))
* Percentage of foreign genes which are biased in both G+C content and codon usage
Not Found.